I don’t think so.
But if it’s like any other norm-breaking violation we’ve seen him make, he will do it anyway, there will be legal challenges, they will ultimately be fruitless, he will suffer no consequences, and everyone will go along with it.
just a sad trans girl looking for laugh-out-louds
I don’t think so.
But if it’s like any other norm-breaking violation we’ve seen him make, he will do it anyway, there will be legal challenges, they will ultimately be fruitless, he will suffer no consequences, and everyone will go along with it.
Savor these headlines now. We probably won’t see any more like them for a long time.
Have you gazed into an abyss long enough to have the abyss gaze back into you, without becoming endlessly lost in said abyss? Congrats, you’re now team lead on the abyss project.
Are there any instances of a 3rd party making digital copies of games available and paying some licensing fee back to the copyright holders? Something akin to how book libraries handle ebooks?
Maybe Steam falls in this category a bit, but I’m thinking something more exhaustive and focused on games that are otherwise out of production.
Some of the companies involved that are mentioned in the article:
I also sorta had a moment of perhaps morbid curiosity about this one.
Do they simply have an extraordinary sense of entitlement? A strong belief that getting ahead means being clever about working the system? A philosophical commitment to fringe ideas of what it means to be a person in society?
Or are traffic citations that much of a nuisance that you’ll do anything to get out of them? A lot of the posts I see here seem to focus on transportation / driving.
Wow, today I learned. Thanks for sharing.
This would mean that there was more uranium around millions and billions of years in the past so why isn’t there any evidence of prehistoric nukes in the fossil record
I’m not sure I get it.
As another comment said, I also dropped everything and read the article. So yeah I guess that’d mean Streisand effect is coming into play.
Regarding the topic at hand: I don’t care what these companies say at this point. The fact is that in the past, I have used their services, clicked the “free” button, did some things, and then ended up having to pay them money.
Until the day comes that I get a letter in the mail from the government saying, “Here’s how much you paid in taxes, if you’re cool with that then please disregard”, I will not be satisfied.
The player character may try to quickly skip through dialog they’ve already heard, so if they interrupt you, just pick up on the next sentence you were going to say.
In some engines, the player character may also be able to walk away mid-dialog. If this happens, feel free to continue talking while they’re still within earshot, or berate them.
I don’t care the intent or the season or the laws or the lulz. You wear a white fucking sheet to a polling place in a southern state, it looks like the fucking Klan. Fuck them.
I’m just guessing here, but I imagine it’s for “marketing purposes”. People sometimes (perhaps often) move around without changing their phone number, so area code alone wouldn’t be enough to pinpoint where you live.
Knowing where you live probably helps with micro-targeting ads.
The warriors of the resistance to the AI-pocalypse will wear red sneakers and wisecrack like it’s 1994.
Thanks for the tips! Btw I totally did not read your content warning before I clicked o_o
Do we know what the percentage is after subtracting out things derived from fossil fuels? I looked at the article and tried to do the math, but it seems like the stats are bundled together.
Red Bull commercials confused me so much in my younger years. Obviously it can’t make you fly, so what does it do?
Even into my adult years, I’ve found myself avoiding energy drinks, not just because they usually taste awful, but also because they trigger this subconscious feeling that they’re trying to scam me.
“What’s a viable business model for all these idiot robots we keep building?”
A random idiot posts random bullshit on social media – but we gotta take it seriously because they might end up being attorney fucking general. Welcome back to the Trump era.