Just reposting, not the author!
Just reposting, not the author!
I’m with you on the confusion because it’s like… I don’t feel the need to act this way, why do other people? What drives them that, in a void, they resort to these thoughts and behaviors? Is this who they really are, or is it an act, like doing an evil playthrough in a game. “I want to because I can here, and I can’t anywhere else?”
My memories are dim but I think Jehovah’s Witnesses take this stance as well.
I’ve read it and listened to the audiobook and it really is great. Yes there are some dry parts but they bring their signature flare to helping to understand which makes getting through it a lot easier.
I’ve been enjoying Tidal after switching.
Is anyone else completely unable to register on chexsystems? Usually when this happens I can’t tell if it’s because of my privacy settings or a legitimate fuckup on the server’s end.
Not the above poster but I’ve had dentists share the same sentiment and mostly I’ve heard it’s because the majority of their patients who use it, use it as a replacement for more thorough dental care–they don’t floss and/or brush because they think they’re getting clean enough with the pik. The dentist who told me this basically said, “It’s fine as a supplement after you brush and after you floss, to flush out any lingering debris from those two activities, but it’s really just not worth the time or money.”
Love your comment.
I actually got curious and tried to fact check this but then realized I had no way of knowing which sites really offered actual advice to such an inane little fact, or were just making shit up. :(
My husband would love this, so I’d happily buy one as a christmas or birthday gift.
The height of irony that Tumblr is better than Twitter at what Twitter was originally designed for.
I did some digging and Ironshod is apparently Anne Stokes’s deviantart account.
EDIT: Originally had been linking to the deviantart page but decided to go to the anne stokes gallery page and forgot to update the title.
Oh cool! Our town does something similar in the summer. One street is dedicated to the farmer’s market, and several chunks of parking are converted to outdoor seating.
Ditto! Sometimes I struggle with getting carried away at night, but talking through to myself when I go to snack helps me with getting it back under control (…usually.) Just going “Why do I feel like I NEED a second dessert?” can sometimes get me to stop and walk away.
I’m surprisingly into it! I’m not much of a major sci-fi person, though I’ve dabbled. It’s a bit harder for me to get into sci-fi in general, and I figured Dune would be a difficult read. But I find it very easy to visualize. Sometimes the random terminology trips me up but I’m still getting the gist enough to enjoy it. I haven’t gotten very far yet so that may change but I think I’m going to like the book.
I bet!! It sounds like you had a truly exhausting day!
I guess I’m surprised because I’ve never been at a hotel that didn’t have a lobby open 24/7. Sure you can’t check in, but I’m surprised you couldn’t plop down in a seat in the lobby and read or browse on your phone until you could check in.
I love Good Omens. Never fully got through Dracula but reading the annotated version, for as far as I did get, was fun!
Currently reading Dune by Frank Herbert. (I have not seen the movie yet–I want to read the book first.)
Currently listening to Dead Beat by Jim Butcher. I generally reserve audiobooks for things I have read. I don’t like to reread things but I like listening to them and picking up on the stuff I missed (or in the case of the Dresden Files, forgot.)
They wouldn’t let you chill out in the lobby?
Oh this is about importing asian lady beetles and not the normal native red ones from the USA?