I don’t quite understand how this is an issue.
I mean personally I’m happy with anonymised ads from DDG in return for anonymised Bing searches (+their own guffins) but I think it’s fair enough, if you really want to see no ads, that some turn to Kagi.
That doesn’t come without a larger role for the EU and good f***** luck trying to get the MEGAs to agree to that.
I’m from Scandinavia and I hope to f*** we are actively working on a pan-Scandinavian defense treaty (it could exist within the NATO framework until NATO collapses) and a pan-Scandinavia united defence forces. I want Swedes, Norwegians and Danes in the same damned battalions. I cannot see anything getting agreed in the EU, however much I would prefer that (Europe together strong and all that), with Hungary, Austria and all the other countries descending into neo-nationalism.