My height is 192 so 190 vs 185 would be easy to tell, but once you reach ~182 and below it’s all a wash. 180 vs 175 I wouldn’t have a clue. I was off by more than 10cm in my estimation when they were sitting in front of me, and it was a person I knew well.
I don’t mean remembering, I mean estimating, in person.
If a person tells me they are 190 and they are actually 185 I can tell. Can’t you?
My height is 192 so 190 vs 185 would be easy to tell, but once you reach ~182 and below it’s all a wash. 180 vs 175 I wouldn’t have a clue. I was off by more than 10cm in my estimation when they were sitting in front of me, and it was a person I knew well.
Have you tried having them to actually stand up?
She refused until I guessed… She even had the gall to act insulted when I was wrong
Guessing people’s height also isn’t something I do regularly. Might be why I suck at it.
No but it’s because I’m American and those numbers mean nothing to me.