If they can selectively remove pathogens during transport, I see no reason they couldn’t selectively choose which parts of things to revert to a younger state and what to leave as is for things like memory preservation.
I’m already leaning towards transporters “actually kill you and clone you” and the extent to which they can manipulate the “you” that comes out is making me lean even harder lol
But a pathogen is an entirely separate life form, which they can apparently distinguish from one another. It wouldn’t require editing the transport pattern itself. Just lock onto the pathogen, lock onto the person. Now transport the person with everything minus the pathogen.
Not sure if that’s how it works but it seems like a different challenge than editing a person’s memories or editing together two different transporter patterns.
If they can selectively remove pathogens during transport, I see no reason they couldn’t selectively choose which parts of things to revert to a younger state and what to leave as is for things like memory preservation.
I’m already leaning towards transporters “actually kill you and clone you” and the extent to which they can manipulate the “you” that comes out is making me lean even harder lol
“Hey Scotty, when you beam me back up, can you give me a huge rodney?”
Scotty, beam me back up and I want a bowl of guac in my hand when I arrive.
Here be your huge Rodney. Though you’ll have a wee bit of trouble with the franchise compensator.
This is a bigger Rodney, although the franchise compensator will have to work even harder:
But a pathogen is an entirely separate life form, which they can apparently distinguish from one another. It wouldn’t require editing the transport pattern itself. Just lock onto the pathogen, lock onto the person. Now transport the person with everything minus the pathogen.
Not sure if that’s how it works but it seems like a different challenge than editing a person’s memories or editing together two different transporter patterns.