“Welcome to Costco, I love you”
My spouse is a Starbucks barista. “You are special” goes on 90% of the cups she hands out. She puts actual effort into it for the people who are underappreciated workers like nurses and teachers.
How does she know who’s a nurse or teacher though?
Maybe if the former is wearing their uniform and but I wouldn’t be able to tell who’s a teacher unless they explicitly told me. Or do teachers in the US wear teacher uniforms?
You get to know regulars. Sometimes teachers sit in and grade. When it’s slower, you can make small talk. I’m not sure if it’s a thing with Starbucks but I know a lot of places offer teacher discounts if they show school ID, so maybe that’s another avenue for it.
My best friend and a few other friends used to be teachers but they all quit because it’s such a shitty, thankless job. Just like with nurses, the fact that they care so much gets exploited by way of paying much less and demanding more hours out of them.
It’s Marketing all the way down.
Pay your fucking taxes Starbucks
Coming soon, your Starbucks cup may read:
Please help. I am a prisoner. I have to write on one thousand cups to earn a meal. I don’t know where I am or how I got here, so please just follow the cups. There are many like me. Enjoy the coffee!
I’ve even heard that they’re not making the coffee just because they want to either.
People that are thinking an enterprise genuinely would care for them are a special breed of idiots.
This is what the executive who commutes by plane decided was a good idea?
While a different customer commented, “My barista wrote “Have a good day!” on my cup. Now I know they did not genuinely want me to have a good day [crying emoji].”
Why do websites do this?
Who are these mystery people who follow Starbucks news and also use a device that doesn’t support Unicode 😭?
It’s like post modern millennial writing style. Outlets think they have to be clever and tongue in cheek and a little ironic. It’s annoying
I often wonder about all these little coffee shops around here (Appalachian Kentucky). Almost all of them seem to have a religious bend. They inscribe bible verses around your cup like some kind of incantation. Would bet it’s store policy and not just them wanting to inject gospel into your day. Is coffee even mentioned in the Bible?
Sorry, a friendly barista means the coffee is crap